During the decades of its operation, the Milbat association has accumulated a vast wealth of knowledge regarding assistive technology, fall prevention, accessibility and accesories to improve quality of life. Our guidance, education and information center operates with the goal of sharing that knowledge, information and experience with as many people as possible.
We hold extensive activities intended to raise the awareness of the existing solutions in Israel and abroad, share our knowledge on specific topics, arrange professional training, etc.
Our activity includes:
– Professional courses
– Conferences and seminars
– Lectures
– Workshops for building personal experience
– Educational programs for teenagers – encouraging social-technological thinking, and bringing them closer to the elderly and disabled communities
– Information booths in exhibitions, conventions and community healthcare events
These activities take place all over the country, and are managed by paramedical professionals: occupational therapists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, and assistive technology specialists.
Each activity is adapted to the particular audience: the type of the activity, the topic, the language used, etc.
Target populations:
– Professionals and students from the fields of healthcare, welfare and education, engineering, technology, design, etc.
– Family members
– Nurses and caregivers
– Senior citizens
– People with disabilities
– Groups from schools and youth organizations
– Volunteers